Imaging & Visualisation

Invited Speakers

  • Prof Abbes Amira, Qatar University
  • Guillermo Marin, Barcelona Supercomputing Center
  • Dr Thomas Odaker, LRZ

Symposium Chair

  • Fernando Cucchietti, Data Pre and Post Processing Group Manager
  • Peter Coveney, UCL

Symposium Description

Imaging & Visualisation remain a cornerstone of modern medicine, allowing us to represent all the data that comes out of medical test devices as well as computer simulations. Furthermore, they are also key for medical science communication and education. In the era of virtual humans, imaging and visualisation will become ever more complex, as we get access to more and different data from simulations.

In this Symposium we will explore new imaging & visualisation techniques, applications, and technology as we discuss the new requirements of this nascent field.

Friday 27th September, 13:00 – 15:00; Watson Watt Room

Time Speaker Title
13:00 Abbes Amira
(Invited Speaker)
Accelerating Medical Imaging on Multi-core Platforms
13:20 Thomas Odaker
(Invited Speaker)
Improved Data Analysis with Virtual and Augmented Reality
13:40 Abbes Amira Automatic Cerebral Aneurysm Segmentation Using Contourlet Transform and Hidden Random Field Model Template
13:55 Guillermo Marin
(Invited Speaker)
Animating the Virtual Human: Applying movie-industry tools and techniques to data visualization
14:15 Panel Discussion