Abstract Submission is now closed
Submission deadline: 29th May 2019 (23:59 BST)
For specific requests please contact CompBioMed2019@ucl.ac.uk
As part of the CompBioMed Conference 2019, we are offering the opportunity of publication in a theme issue of Journal of the Royal Society: Interface Focus. Therefore, there are three categories for abstract submission:
- Oral Presentation and possible publication of a paper
- Oral Presentation
- Poster Presentation
These categories are not mutually exclusive; if you apply for an oral presentation and possible publication of a paper, your abstract could be accepted in another category (such as oral presentation only).
At the conference there will be a poster presentation competition, the winner(s) being given the opportunity to contribute an article for the theme issue.
Abstract Template
A Word template can be downloaded using the button below:

Other file formats may be used to produce the abstract and they should all be submitted as a PDF file. All abstracts should include:
- a title (font size 14, bold)
- an author list (font size 12, regular)
- author affiliations (font size 11, regular)
- no more than four pages of text (min, font size 11, regular, 1.3 line spacing)
- up to two figures (caption font size 10, italic)
- no more than five references (included in the four page limit and with the same format as body text)
To ensure homogeneity of abstract formats, LaTeX users should use the default font and Word users should use Bakerville font (as in the template), with page margins top and bottom: 2.54 cm, left and right: 3.17 cm.
To apply for an oral presentation and a paper to be considered for publication in the journal, your abstract should be up to 4 pages in length; for oral and/or poster presentations, up to 2 pages will be sufficient.
We are now using EasyChair for our abstract/paper submissions. Please use the link below and, if you are not already signed up, create an EasyChair account and submit your paper as a PDF file using this system.